
Design the Programme

Module 2: Theory of change development

2.2 Articulating change for your PVE programme

Articulating change helps you to do the following:
  • Select the focus of your intervention based on your context and the added value that your team could bring (considering UNDP's mandate, strategy and experience, both globally and locally)
  • Organise changes you want to see according to impact (ultimate benefits for target population), outcome (short- to medium-term change in the PVE situation) and output (products and services – tangible and intangible – delivered or provided) levels.
  • Indicate linkages between changes using arrows and check the assumptions underpinning your hypotheses.
Why use it? To be able to clearly articulate the change you want to see, check, test and evidence the assumptions behind this to develop a realistic and achievable goal.

This tool is most useful at the design stage, but can also be used during implementation. It can be used together with:

1.1 Understanding the VE Challenge

2.1 Grounding your ToC in the PVE context

2.3 ToC for PVE Checklist

To support your ToC design process, carry out the following steps:

  1. Select the focus of your intervention based on your context
  2. Organise the PVE changes you want to see according to impact, outcome and output levels
  3. Indicate linkages between changes using arrows. Each link represents a hypothesis (assumption around how change happens – x leads to y).
  4. Check the assumptions underpinning your hypotheses about PVE in your programme context.

Example: Sample ToC for a livelihoods-focused PVE programme

Assumption check: Do these changes and activities sufficiently address the social and cultural aspects related to employment (not just legal, capacity and access) or perceived grievance around status and fairness of access highlighted in your analysis?